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Call for Papers: NOW OPEN!


A Call for Papers is launched each year for the upcoming issue  of the Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism, which is then released each November or December. The call for papers and book reviews to appear in Volume 30 is now open. Papers and book reviews should be submitted to the address below by May 31, 2024

Submission of papers to JJMM is open to all, including those who are not Bilingualism SIG/ JALT members.

Submission Guidelines
The Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism welcomes well-written articles in English or Japanese reporting original research in the areas of bi/multilingualism or bi/multiculturalism, intercultural communication and other related fields of study in Japan or involving Japanese people or the Japanese language. Papers must not have been previously published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

The Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism follows the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Edition). Consult the APA manual for instructions on documentation and references. Spelling and punctuation conventions should be consistent throughout the manuscript.
Authors are encouraged to include in the Reference list dois for those publications which have them. See, for example,  


Feature articles should be approximately 5,000 to 7,000 words. Book reviews should be no longer than 1,000 words.

The author's name and references that identify the author should not appear in the article at the submission stage. If you are citing your own work in the paper, make sure to replace your name with the word "Author".

Please include page numbers and use double spacing.

Materials to be Submitted

Submissions should be sent electronically. Save your manuscript in MS Word (.rtf, .doc or .docx) and send it to the editor as an email attachment. 
In a separate document attached to the same email, please include the following

  • your contact details: Author's name as you wish it to appear on the paper  (in both English and Japanese), postal address, email address, affiliation
    •    the title of the article in both English and Japanese
    •    up to six keywords
    •    an abstract in the same language as the paper and a translation of the abstract into English or Japanese, whichever is not used in the paper (length: English 100-150 words, Japanese 200-300 characters) 

Include any other relevant information in  the body of the email.

Evaluation Procedures
Manuscripts complying with the above guidelines will be subject to blind review by at least two readers, with special attention given to Bilingualism SIG aims, the significance and originality of the submission, and the use of appropriate research design and methodology. The evaluation process is generally completed within three months.

Submission to ERIC Database
Each volume of the journal is submitted to the ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center of the U.S. Department of Education) Clearing House on Languages and Linguistics for inclusion in its database and dissemination to at least 900 research centers around the world. Submission of a manuscript for consideration in the journal will therefore be taken as permission for reproduction by ERIC if the manuscript is accepted for publication. This will in no way infringe upon the author's copyright.


​Stephen M. Ryan

Email inquiries may be directed to the editor at:stephen05summer(a)



Information for contributors

The Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism - 多言語多文化研究 (JJMM) (ISSN: 1348-4095) is a publication of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) Bilingualism SIG. This journal features original academic articles and book reviews on issues of bilingualism and multiculturalism in Japanese contexts. It is published annually and accessible through the links to the left of this paragraph. Bilingualism SIG members can access the journal as soon as it is published - a password will be provided through the SIG mailing list. Non-members can access the latest issue of the journal one year after its publication. Paper copies are provided to authors and institutional subscribers.

The Call for Papers and book reviews for the 30th volume is now open. The deadline for submissions is May 31, 2024..The journal publishes contributions from both JALT/B-SIG members and non-members.

Stephen M. Ryan < stephen05summer(a)>

See the sidebar to the right for further information.

多言語・多文化研究』 論文募集

2023年度の『多言語・多文化研究』第29巻は 現在募集中です。第30巻の投稿締め切れは2024年5月31日です。投稿についてのガイドラインは下記の通りです。




文体は一般的な学術論文のスタイルを使って下さい。章だてのしかたや参考文献の書き方などは、Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th. ed.) の定める方式にできるだけ近い形にして下さい。不明の場合は、ジャーナルの以前の号を参考にして下さい。

原稿は、MSワードで横書きにして下さい。長さは、1行40字、1ページ30行で20枚程度です。手書きの原稿は受け付けられません。投稿に際しては、eメールによって提出していただきます。原稿をテキスト形式(.rtf .doc .docx)で保存し、メールに添付し、編集長へ送って下さい。原稿には執筆者の名前や連絡先を記載せず、自著を引用する際には、(著者)と書いて引用してください。別なRTF書類にて下記の情報を記入した上、同じ電子メールにて添付送付してください。

  • 著者の連絡の詳細:名前(英語、日本語表記にて)、住所、電子メールアドレス、所属先

  • 英文のタイトルと100~150語の英文要旨、200~300字程度の和文要旨

  • 日本語のキーワード(6つまで)




Stephen M. Ryan < stephen05summer(a)>


Members Only

until Dec. 2024.

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