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 Ordering publications

All of our publications can be ordered in Japan through any post office. Use a furikae form, enter “Bilingual Japan” as the account name and “00990-8-89485” as the account number, and in the message area write the name and volume number(s) of the publication(s) you wish to order. Write your name and address in English. Items should arrive approximately two weeks after they were ordered (2-4 weeks for overseas orders). People overseas wishing to pay for our publications in US dollars should use the dollar amount, when given. When a dollar price is not given, convert the yen price to dollars at the current rate. We are unable to accept payment by check. For further information on ordering our publications from overseas, please contact the Treasurer, Tim Pritchard, at bilsigtreasurer (at)


Prices and content vary.

See here for details.

No. 2  .....................................  150 yen
No. 5 .....................................  300 yen
No. 6 .....................................  200 yen
No. 7 .....................................  600 yen
No. 8 .....................................  600 yen
No. 9 .....................................  600 yen

No. 10 ..................................... 700 yen
No. 11 ..................................... 600 yen
No. 12 ..................................... 600 yen

No. 13 ..................................... 500 yen

No. 14 ..................................... 600 yen

No. 16.....................................1000 yen

Out of print (Available free online)

No.  1.....................................  0 yen

No. 3 ..................................... 0 yen
No. 4.....................................  0 yen
No. 15 ..................................  0 yen


Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism 


Individuals in Japan

Latest volume ............................  1200 yen
Vols. 14-18 .....................................  1670 yen

Back issues ...................................  200 yen

Individuals overseas

Latest volume ............................  1600 yen/USD16
Vols. 14-18 .....................................  1800 yen/USD18

Institutions in Japan
Latest volume ............................  5000 yen
Back issues (Vols. 2-15)..............  6000 yen

Institutions overseas
Latest volume ............................  5000 yen/USD50
Back issues (Vols. 2-15).............  6000 yen/USD60


Bilingual Japan

The official newsletter of the JALT

Bilingualism SIG

Back issues (as avaiable)................   300 yen
Subscription within Japan........... 2000 yen/year

Subscription outside Japan........... 2500 yen/year


For orders in Japan, add 200 yen for postage for 1 monograph, 40 yen for each additional monograph.

For overseas orders, add 340 yen for postage for 1 monograph, 180 yen for each additional monograph.

Website editor

Lance Stilp

lancestilp at gmail dot com


© 2018 by JALT Bilingualism SIG

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